Que chuva do caralho ontem de noite. Fazia tempo que não via minha rua alagar por conta da chuvada. Será que Pedro também tava de ressaca por conta do carnaval? Pois pense numa ressaca que ele tava... Tinha hora que eu nem conseguia ver a rua na minha frente, quando tava voltando pra casa depois de mais um animado Tu Num Vai. Mujica me falou de uma paródia de Brokeback Mountain, chamada Brokeback To The Future, onde Marty McFly tem um caso amoroso proibido com Dr. Emmett Brown. E aí, como ressaca de carnaval serve pra a gente refletir sobre a vida, eu pensei no filme original (De volta para o futuro) e em como seria bom se pudessemos voltar no tempo pra consertar algumas besteiras que fizemos e mudar o nosso futuro. Não que eu esteja insatisfeito com o meu presente, que é o futuro do meu passado (deu pra entender isso?), mas queria voltar pra ter feito algumas coisas melhor. Como não dá, paciência. To feliz com o que eu sou e com quem eu me tornei. Uma pessoa que eu gosto muito, mas muito mesmo, e que tá em Ouricuri deixando saudades, me disse que eu tenho uma "sinceridade européia". Como eu não conheço nenhum europeu, não sei se isso é bom ou ruim. Mas sei que gosto da minha sinceridade. Prefiro assim do que ficar dizendo meias verdades ou fazendo joguinhos. Ah, e com relação às paródias de Brokeback Mountain, fiz uma pesquisa rápida na internet e vi que virou moda. Aí vão algumas. Aí em cima, mas uma foto do show do U2.
Toy Story Requiem - Cenas do filme Toy Story 2 com diálogos do filme Requiem para um sonho.
Brokeback To The Future - História de amor acima citada.
Top Gun 2: Brokeback Squadrom - Históra de amor entre dois pilotos de elite da Força Aérea americana (Tom Cruise e Val Kilmer).
Round Here
Counting Crows
Step out the front door like a ghost
Into the fog where no one notices
The contrast of white on white.
And in between the moon and you
The angels get a better view
Of the crumbling difference between wrong and right.
I walk in the air between the rain,
Through myself and back again.
Where? I don't know
Maria says she's dying.
Through the door, I hear her crying
Why? I don't know
Round here we always stand up straight
Round here something radiates
Maria came from Nashville with a suitcase in her hand
She said she'd like to meet a boy who looks like Elvis
She walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land
Just like she's walking on a wire in the circus
She parks her car outside of my house
Takes her clothes off,
Says she's close to understanding Jesus
She knows she's more than just a little misunderstood
She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous
Round here we're carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs
Round here she's slipping though my hands
Sleeping children got to run like the wind
Out of the lightning dream
Mama's little baby better get herself in
Out of the lightning
She says, "It's only in my head."
She says, "Shhh...I know it's only in my head."
But the girl on the car in the parking lot
Says: "Man, you should try to take a shot
Can't you see my walls are crumbling?"
Then she looks up at the building
And says she's thinking of jumping.
She says she's tired of life;
She must be tired of something.
Round here she's always on my mind
Round here I got lots of time
Round here we're never sent to bed early
Nobody makes us wait
Round here we stay up very very late
I can't see nothing, nothing
Round here
Catch me if I'm falling. Catch me if I'm falling
Catch me cause I'm falling down on you
I said I'm under the gun
Round here
Oh man, I said I'm under the gun
Round here
I can't see nothing, nothing
Round here
Toy Story Requiem - Cenas do filme Toy Story 2 com diálogos do filme Requiem para um sonho.
Brokeback To The Future - História de amor acima citada.
Top Gun 2: Brokeback Squadrom - Históra de amor entre dois pilotos de elite da Força Aérea americana (Tom Cruise e Val Kilmer).
Round Here
Counting Crows
Step out the front door like a ghost
Into the fog where no one notices
The contrast of white on white.
And in between the moon and you
The angels get a better view
Of the crumbling difference between wrong and right.
I walk in the air between the rain,
Through myself and back again.
Where? I don't know
Maria says she's dying.
Through the door, I hear her crying
Why? I don't know
Round here we always stand up straight
Round here something radiates
Maria came from Nashville with a suitcase in her hand
She said she'd like to meet a boy who looks like Elvis
She walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land
Just like she's walking on a wire in the circus
She parks her car outside of my house
Takes her clothes off,
Says she's close to understanding Jesus
She knows she's more than just a little misunderstood
She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous
Round here we're carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs
Round here she's slipping though my hands
Sleeping children got to run like the wind
Out of the lightning dream
Mama's little baby better get herself in
Out of the lightning
She says, "It's only in my head."
She says, "Shhh...I know it's only in my head."
But the girl on the car in the parking lot
Says: "Man, you should try to take a shot
Can't you see my walls are crumbling?"
Then she looks up at the building
And says she's thinking of jumping.
She says she's tired of life;
She must be tired of something.
Round here she's always on my mind
Round here I got lots of time
Round here we're never sent to bed early
Nobody makes us wait
Round here we stay up very very late
I can't see nothing, nothing
Round here
Catch me if I'm falling. Catch me if I'm falling
Catch me cause I'm falling down on you
I said I'm under the gun
Round here
Oh man, I said I'm under the gun
Round here
I can't see nothing, nothing
Round here